Our TheraTeam



In the office we have a team of professionals handling all of the administrative functions: Antoinette, Ellen and Kayla. They can be reached at 845-519-2295 and are readily available to answer any questions or point you in the right direction.

Evaluation Coordinator

Stacy Bauckham has extensive experience in the CPSE evaluations program. She takes referrals, speaks with families, and staffs the evaluations. She can be reached directly at sbauckham@wptherateam.com or 845-519-2295 ex: 1004

Our TheraTeam

We have an amazing team of knowledgeable, qualified and dedicated therapists and evaluators. Our TheraTeam is comprised of speech-language pathologists, clinical fellows, occupational therapists, physical therapists, social workers, school psychologists and special education teachers.